Years’ end has always been great with the celebration of Christmas and Thanksgiving, which have always been an exciting and fun festival to celebrate with family and friends and also to wait and look forward to every year. Having a party with your dear and loved ones is just the part of that fun and to make it more interesting. According to many people, 2020 might not be as fun as it used to be. But well, does the party go complete without any virtual games in this time of corona? Here’s your solution to that! Start your celebration with fun by playing a virtual game, the “Christmas and Thanksgiving Family Feud”. This game for Christmas and Thanksgiving Family feud contains a lot of questions and answers which have been played by the family and friends in their own house. It’s in the form of a PowerPoint template which is a big hit to have in a classroom, to play with family and friends in a party, for business purposes and more to play for this holiday season! .This is one of my favourite games to play while celebrating. I love that it has so many rounds which are under Halloween party or even Valentine’s day party.
Here are many other games you will like to play